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Pinata Party

  • Posted on: 26 May 2005
  • By: agittins
In a patch of scrub recently burnt out a colony of ants on a tree trunk encourage their mates to burst the pinata - who oddly, seemed unpeturbed. Taken with a homemade diopter attachment on a Fuji S7000. Placed 7th in the Fujimugs "Festivities" Open challenge.

In a patch of scrub recently burnt out a colony of ants on a tree trunk encourage their mates to burst the pinata - who oddly, seemed unpeturbed. Taken with a homemade diopter attachment on a Fuji S7000. Placed 7th in the Fujimugs "Festivities" Open challenge.
2005/06/24 - Entered for the PhotoFriday "Sport" challenge.


Sweet Pic man!

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